Dam Safety

A Commitment to Dam Safely

The purpose of Columbia Power’s Dam Safety Policy (the Policy) is to set out the commitment to dam safety for all hydroelectric projects and water retaining structures owned or managed by Columbia Power.

All of Columbia Power’s hydroelectric projects and water retaining structures comply with the following requirements:

  • Designed and constructed in a conservative manner in accordance with all regulatory requirements and consistent with industry standard;
  • Prudently managed, inspected and maintained – taking into consideration the recommended practices of the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) Dam Safety Guidelines;
  • Dam safety risks shall be reduced to as low as reasonably practicable;
  • Residual risks shall be clearly identified and managed;
  • A dam safety management system will be used to identify, assess and manage risks.

Dam Safety Program

Columbia Power has developed and maintains a dam safety management system with the activities and structure in accordance with the Canadian Dam Association Dam Safety Guidelines. The key elements in the dam safety management system include:

  • Program planning, including activity implementation and accountabilities;
  • Safety assessment and risk management;
  • Review, program assessment, and ongoing training for continuous improvement;
  • Detailed inspection and surveillance practices;
  • Documented operation maintenance and surveillance procedures;
  • Documented and detailed Emergency Response Plans;
  • Public safety around hydroelectric facilities and water retaining structures;
  • Dam security;
  • Regulatory communications;
  • External oversight and independent review; and
  • Appropriate document management.
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