Arrow Lakes Generating Station

Location Castlegar, BC on the Columbia River directly below to BC Hydro’s Hugh Keenleyside Dam
Construction Period 1999 – 2002
Construction Cost $270 million
Construction Method Design, evaluate, build
Owner Structure Columbia Power (50%), Columbia Basin Trust (50%)
Capacity 185 megawatts
Turbine Type 2 low head Kaplan turbines
Transmission 14 km transmission line to the Brilliant Terminal Station – an additional 34 km transmission line links BC Hydro’s Selkirk Sub Station
Construction Contractor Prime, Peter Kiewit Sons Co. Ltd. Major subcontractors include, Harza Engineering Company International L.P., General Electric Canada Inc., North Pacific Roadbuilders, Aquatic Resources Ltd.
Asset Manager Columbia Power
Operations + Maintenance Manager FortisBC


The Arrow Lakes Generating Station Project saw the addition of a powerhouse located immediately downstream of BC Hydro’s water storage Hugh Keenleyside Dam on the Columbia River. The powerhouse takes advantage of the existing hydraulic head and generates power from water that would otherwise be spilled. Output from generating station is connected to the Brilliant Terminal Station by a 14km transmission line and later is delivered to BC Hydro’s Selkirk Substation. The powerhouse produces clean, renewable, cost effective, energy for all British Columbians.

At the peak of construction, over 400 people were working directly on the project. Of those 400 people approximately 85% were local residents within 100km of the project. Over $45 million was paid in wages and over $25 million was injected into the local economy through the purchase of goods and services.

During construction the owners met regularly with a Community Impact Management Committee (CIMC), consisting of local residents, members of local and regional government, first nations, and the contractors. These stakeholders provided ongoing support to encourage positive community impacts and benefits and relay community concerns resulting from construction of the project. The CIMC oversaw an independent socio-economic monitor who produced reports that are available to the public.

The project was committed to a high standard of quality, safety and environmental stewardship.

Trust Power Operations, as an agent of Columbia Power, manages this asset on behalf of the Owners and oversees operations and maintenance working together with our contractor FortisBC.

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