Brilliant Dam + Generating Station

Location Castlegar, BC on the Kootenay River
Construction Period Originally built in 1944 by Cominco (now Teck). Purchased by Columbia Power and Columbia Basin Trust in 1996
Owner Structure Columbia Power (50%), Columbia Basin Trust (50%)
Capacity 145 megawatts
Turbine Type 4 vertical Francis turbines
Transmission 0.5 km link to the Brilliant Terminal Station
Asset Manager Columbia Power
Operations + Maintenance Manager FortisBC


The Brilliant Dam and Generating Station were purchased for $130 million in 1996 from Cominco (now Teck). $100 million has been invested in capital upgrade projects and life extension work. The Brilliant Generating Station continues to produce clean, renewable, cost effective, power for all British Columbians.

At the time of purchase, the Brilliant Generating Station was capable of producing 125 megawatts of electricity. Since the acquisition, a series of capital improvements to both the dam and the powerhouse have been undertaken. These projects include concrete rehabilitation, switch-yard replacement, spillway gate refurbishment, seismic stabilization, and a generation re-powering life extension program.

Trust Power Operations, acting as an agent of Columbia Power, jointly manages this asset through the Brilliant Management Committee alongside FortisBC.

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