
Organizational Overview

Columbia Power Corporation (Columbia Power) is a Crown corporation wholly owned and controlled by the Province of British Columbia, existing under the Business Corporations Act and reporting to the Minister of Energy and Climate Solutions.

The company is located in Castlegar, in the heart of the Columbia River system, in the mountains and valleys that characterize the Columbia Basin — where hydroelectric generation has existed since the late 1800s. The company owns and operates hydro power projects in the Basin.

Effective January 1, 2020, Columbia Power and the Trust implemented an Asset Management Services Agreement, under which the Trust provides support to Columbia Power in all areas of facility operations including human resources, accounting, payroll, records management, information technology and other support functions. Columbia Power remains the appointed manager of the power subsidiaries under this Agreement.

To learn more about the history of Columbia Power here.


Columbia Power’s mandate letter, as endorsed by the Province and by Columbia Power’s Board of Directors, is to:

  • Continue to ensure long-term profitability, reliability, safety and environmental sustainability of the facilities in which Columbia Power has an ownership share through effective and efficient management of plant operations and maintenance.

Columbia Power + Columbia Basin Trust

Pursuant to the Columbia Basin Accord (1995), the original mandate of Columbia Power was to undertake power project investments as the agent of the Province in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust (the Trust). Columbia Power and the Trust together received $500 million to develop, as joint venture partners, three core power projects in the Columbia River Basin: Arrow Lakes Generating Station, Brilliant Expansion Generating Station and the Waneta Generating Station. Columbia Power and Columbia Basin Trust also own the Brilliant Dam and Generating Station.

Columbia Power’s role is to operate the four generating facilities on behalf of the partnership. Income from these projects is distributed equally to the Trust and Columbia Power. The Trust uses its income to support efforts by residents of the region to create social, economic and environmental well-being in the Basin. Columbia Power uses the income to pay dividends to our shareholder, the Province of BC. Columbia Power also uses the income to sponsor community groups and events, offer bursaries and scholarships to secondary schools and community colleges and develop and deliver environmental stewardship programs. As partners in these facilities Columbia Power and the Trust enjoy a close working relationship.

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